Claims Corner
How to file a claim?


Cancer Plan

Simply upload or mail to UBi the following documents:
  1. Medical report on treatment issued by any Prescribed Hospital;
  2. Demand Note for the costs of Self-Financed Drugs issued by any Prescribed Hospital; and
  3. Claim Report of UBi.

Typhoon Plan

Our policyholder is not required to file a claim. After a Trigger Event - the hoisting of Typhoon Signal Number 8, 9 or 10 - we will issue a cheque to all policyholder(s) whose normal business hours were affected for a minimum of 4 hours. The process would be entirely automatic with our computer system.

Cancer Protection Plan
A Case Study

Aug 1
Mr Chan found bloodshot when he coughed continuously and went to public hospital for consultation.
Aug 25
Mr Chan was told by the doctor that he had Stage 3 lung cancer and he needed to undergo surgery to remove the tumor and chemotherapy thereafter.
Sep 14
Choose Targeted Therapy
Mr Chan was quickly arranged for surgery and successfully. When choosing chemotherapy drugs, the doctor told Mr Chan that the hospital has 2 different drugs with varying effects.  Fortunately, Mr Chan got UBi's cancer protection that he chose more suitable self-finance chemotherapy drugs.
Oct 25
Submit Report
After Mr Chan received the medical report and receipts, he logged in the online platform, uploaded relevant documents and entered basic information. UBi's Claims Officer immediately processed the relevant application.
Oct 30
Claim Approved
Since the information and documents provided by Mr Chan are accurate, UBi's Claims Officer advised him that the relevant application has been approved; so that he does not need to worry about financial impact.  Mr Chan concentrates on his treatment.

Submit your claim!